Indigenous Economic Development Success Stories


Dates:    July–October 2014, April–June 2011, and January–March 2009

The Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development was announced in June 2009. To support the communication of this strategy, Sheil Communications researched and wrote a series of Indigenous economic development success stories which highlighted key factors for success and the role of departmental programs. The stories were written in consultation with regional offices and First Nations leaders.

In 2011, Sheil Communications wrote a second series of Indigenous economic development success stories to profile in the Federal Framework’s first biennial report. These stories reflected departmental investments and results related to: the major resource and economic development investment initiative; the strategic partnerships initiative; the reserve land and environment management program; and the procurement strategy for Indigenous business. This work required interviewing community officials and business owners about their involvement in Indigenous economic development programs.

In 2014, Sheil Communications researched and wrote another set of success stories to demonstrate progress related to the Framework’s priorities: strengthening Indigenous entrepreneurship; developing Indigenous human capital; enhancing the value of Indigenous assets; forging new and effective partnerships; and focusing the role of the federal government. The stories reflected a balanced cross-section of departmental clients and made clear to readers how “on the ground” benefits directly link to federal actions and investments. They also captured recent examples of the Framework in action, such as efforts to increase skills and build capacity, to give communities more control of their lands and resources, to encourage business development and partnerships, and to coordinate federal efforts.