Service: Advocacy, consultation and outreach

Performance Reporting Communications

The Lands and Economic Development Sector at Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada helps communities get the most from their economic development potential by investing in community readiness, businesses, land management, and strategic partnerships. The Sector also offers legislative options to ensure economic opportunities on reserve proceed. Sheil Communications developed outreach, communications, and social media strategies and tools to improve how […]

Facilitation of Regulatory Consultations

Recent amendments to Part III of the Canada Labour Code provide labour standard protections to paid interns under federal jurisdiction. The amendments also specify the limited circumstances when an intern can be unpaid and allow for some labour standard protections to apply to unpaid interns through regulations. Sheil Communications facilitated the Labour Program’s initial and subsequent regulatory consultations […]

GCDocs Change Management and Implementation Plan

GCDocs is the standard repository that all Government of Canada employees will soon use to manage and preserve records and documents of business value. The system has powerful search capabilities and version control protocols to help employees find the information they need to make decisions which support their department’s business and service lines. Sheil Communications developed a comprehensive […]

Food Labelling Improvement Consultations

The Government of Canada committed to consult with Canadian parents to improve the way nutritional information is presented on food labels in the 2013 Speech from the Throne. Sheil Communications developed the engagement strategy to support the department’s on-line and in-person consultations with parents, consumers, and stakeholders over several phases. Following the first phase of […]

Amendments to Part III of the Canada Labour Code

Part III of the Canada Labour Code establishes and protects the rights of workers in federally regulated enterprises to fair and equitable conditions of employment. A number of amendments came into effect on April 1, 2014 to make compliance easier for employers and to reduce the department’s cost to administer the legislation. This included a […]